Veterans Service Commission

Hancock Veterans > Veterans Service Commission

Left to Right – Rick Walter (American Legion), Bill Johns (Disabled American Veterans), Kim Williams (AmVets), Larry Sudlow (Military Order of the Purple Heart/Korean War Veterans Association), Tom Smith (Veterans of Foreign Wars)

Hancock County Veterans Service Commission

The Hancock County Veterans Service Commission is a five member board appointed under the provisions of Title 59 of the Ohio Revised Code. Each member is appointed by both Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Hancock County for a term of five years. Each is appointed to represent a specific veterans organization – in our county, currently The American Legion, AMVETS, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veterans, and the Korean War Veterans/Military Order of the Purple Heart. Even though their appointment is from a specific organization, they represent all Hancock County Veterans and their families.

The Commission oversees the operation of the Hancock County Veterans Service Office, and is responsible to ensure that veterans and their eligible family members receive all benefits – federal, state, and local – to which they may be entitled.

Current Members


Representing The Veterans of Foreign Wars
Tom retired from the Navy, served on active duty from October 1982 – September 2003.

Kim Williams

Representing The Amvets
Kim served in the U.S. Army from X-Y


Representing the Disabled American Veterans
Bill served in the U.S. Army from January 1966 – January 1973.


Representing the Military Order of the Purple Heart and The Korean War Veterans Association
Larry served in the U.S. Army from March 1968 – March 1970.


Representing The American Legion
Rick served in the U.S. Air Force December 1969-March 1974.

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