Veteran Pension

Hancock Veterans > Veteran Pension


Non-service connected pension is an income based program available to wartime veterans. The maximum rate is set by Congress, and all other income is considered when assessing the individual eligibility. However, VA also will allow income reduction through the use of out of pocket medical expenses. Additional amounts may be paid for eligible dependents.

Call us at (419) 424- 7036 for an appointment.


Generally, a Veteran must have at least 90 days of active duty service, with at least one day during a wartime period to qualify for a VA Pension. If you entered active duty after September 7th, 1980, generally you must have served at least 24 months or the full period for which you were called or ordered to active duty (with some exceptions), with at least one day during a wartime period.

Eligible Wartime Periods

Under the current law, VA recognizes the following wartime periods to determine eligibility for VA Pension benefits:

  • World War I (April 6, 1917 – November 11, 1918)
  • World War II (December 7, 1941 – December 31, 1946)
  • Korean Conflict (June 27, 1950 – January 31, 1955)
  • Vietnam Era (February 28, 1961 – May 7, 1975 for Veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam during that period; otherwise August 5, 1964 – May 7, 1975)
  • Gulf War (August 2, 1990, – through a future date to be set by law or Presidential Proclamation).

In addition to meeting minimum service requirements, the Veteran must be:

  • Age 65 or older OR
  • Totally and permanently disabled OR
  • A patient in a nursing home receiving skilled nursing care OR
  • Receiving Supplemental Security Income

How does it work?

  • Monthly income, including social security, pension, interest, dividends and any other recurring monthly income are computed. Assets such as certificates of deposit, bank accounts, stock, bonds, etc are computed. Total assets are considered by the VA when they make the decision to grant or not to grant the benefit.
  • Medical expenses that are not covered by insurance are use to reduce the income total. Allowable expenses may include nursing home or assisted living facility expense, prescription drugs, medical supplies, etc.
  • VA will compute income and assets. A percentage of the allowable medical expenses will then be deducted from the income total. If the remaining income falls below the threshold set by Congress, the difference between the income and the threshold may be paid.
  • This is a complicated process. Let people who do this professionally do your claim. If your paperwork is not done right, and VA pays when they should not have, you will be in an “over-payment” situation and you will need to repay any money that was not due. We are county employees – your county – paid for with your tax dollars. Everything we do for you is done at no charge, and is done professionally. We are accredited with the Department of Veterans Affairs, which means in effect, they have licensed us to do this work. We are trained and have been tested in accordance with VA regulations to obtain our accreditation. Our only goal is to provide you a service, at no charge, that you have earned.

Pension is only one of the many veterans benefits programs that we handle. Set up an appointment with us and we’ll go over the whole gamut of benefits – you may be eligible for something you did not even know applied to you personally.

Information Required to Apply for VA Non Service Connected Pension Veteran


  • Proof of Services (DD-214 or equivalent), original if possible showing WAR TIME service
  • Social Security Number
  • Date and place of Birth
  • Name, address, and telephone number of nearest relative or other person to contact in the case of an emergency and their relations ship to Veteran
  • Information on all previous marriages and divorces/death along with copies of divorce decrees and/or Death Certificates if possible

Current Spouse

  • Spouse Social Security Number
  • Spouse date and place of birth
  • Current Marriage Certificate
  • If not living with spouse we will need reason not living together, his/her current address and how much the Veteran contributes to his/her support
  • Information on all previous marriage (name(s) of all previous spouses, date and place of both marriages and divorce(s)/death). Copies of divorce decrees and/or death certificated when possible

Current Dependents

  • Name, date, and place of birth
  • Social Security Numbers of all dependent children
  • If a dependent child does not live with the Veteran, we will need that complete name and address of the person the child lives with and how much the Veteran contributes to their support

Monthly Income (Veteran, spouse, and dependents must be reported separately)

  • Proof of gross income from Social Security, Civil Service, Railroad Retirement, Military Retirement Pay, Black Lung Benefits, Supplemental Security, Gross Wages/Salary, Interest/Dividend Income, Worker’s Compensation, Unemployment Compensation, Other Income. (Example – A current bank statement reflecting the direct deposit and/or pay stub and/or copy of the check(s).

Net worth Information (Veteran, spouse, and dependents must be reported separately)

  • Amount of cash in Non-Interest Bearing Accounts, amount of cash in Interest Bearing Accounts, market value of Retirement Accounts (IRA’s, Keogh, Plans, etc.), market value of all Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds. Market value of Business Assets. Market value of any Real Property (not our home). Market value of all other property.

Cost of Recurring Monthly Medical Expenses

Supplemental health Insurance, nursing home or assisted living fees. If the surviving spouse is applying for the benefit, the Death Certificate of the Veteran must be provided. Bring a voided check!

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