Battle Buddies

Hancock Veterans > Battle Buddies

Veterans Helping Veterans Through Personal Battles

Battle Buddies is a unique program designed to link veterans in need of support with other professionally-trained veteran peers. The purpose is to aid in the overall moral, physical and spiritual well-being of each individual.

Each Battle Buddy supports one another though a lifelong friendship by battling through personal issues that they may be striving to overcome. Through these friendships, each veteran has the opportunity to be supported as they improve their health and wellness to a desired self-directed quality of life.  To learn more about this program, contact the office at 419-424-7036.

Our program can offer support to veterans who struggle with:

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Substance Use and Addiction
  • Depression
  • Survivor’s Guilt
  • Mood Disorders
  • Trauma
  • Grief
  • Self-Injury
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Anxiety and Phobias
  • Transitions to Civilian Life
  • Employment Guidance
  • Housing Assistance
  • Eating Disorders

The Battle Buddies program offers:

  • Peer support and a partnership designed to motivate, educate and advocate for positive life changes.
  • Support to develop and implement a personal plan for an improved quality of life.
  • Assistance for a fellow veteran to see recovery in a positive and realistic way.
  • Building recovery from personal strength.
  • Assistance with scheduling and reminders of events and appointments.
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