MIA/KIA Memorial Registration

Hancock Veterans > MIA/KIA Memorial Registration

MIA/KIA Memorial Application

Download the application:

Please return completed application and documentation to:

Hancock County Veterans Service Office
1100 E Main Cross St. Suite 123
Findlay, OH 45840


(*)        A VETERAN is defined as any service person that meets the guidelines for membership to The American Legion or admittance to a Veterans’ Center or receives Veterans Benefits.

(**)      A VETERAN is defined as any service person that is missing-in-action (MIA) or killed-in-action (KIA) who entered the service from Hancock County or a Hancock County resident who entered the service elsewhere.

Eligibility Requirements for Names Included

  1. Eligible veterans’ (MIAs and KIAs) names shall be engraved into the Hancock County War Memorial and the Hancock County Veterans Memorial
  2. Eligible veterans’ names shall be included on the Service Walls.
    1. Entered the service from Hancock County;
    2. Graduated from or spent more than half of his/her school years at Findlay City Schools or a Hancock County school;
    3. MIA or KIA(**)

The casualty occurred as a direct result of enemy hostilities in, or over, a designated combat zone during the following years:

  • World War I – April 6, 1917 – Nov. 11, 1918
  • (for veterans who served in Russia April 6, 1917 – April 1, 1920)
  • World War II – Dec. 7, 1941 – Dec. 31, 1946
  • Korea – June 27, 1950 – Jan. 31, 1955
  • Vietnam – Aug. 5, 1964 – May 7, 1975
  • (May be extended for in-country veterans who served before 1964)
  • Gulf War – Aug. 2, 1990 – until a date set by law or Presidential Proclamation
  • This list also includes those personnel listed by Department of Defense as Missing in Action or where death occurred while veteran was being held as a captive.

Places that might be helpful in obtaining documentation include:

  • Hancock County Courthouse
  • The national Archives in Washington D.C.
  • Write to the National Personnel Records Center 9700 Page Ave. St. Louis, MO, 63132
  • If veteran is deceased, the funeral home or office at place of burial
  • Other family members

Any mistakes engraved on the Memorials are considered PERMANENT. This includes misspellings. Names will not be removed. Additional names can be added.

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