MIA/KIA Memorial Application
Download the application:
Please return completed application and documentation to:
Hancock County Veterans Service Office
1100 E Main Cross St. Suite 123
Findlay, OH 45840
(*) A VETERAN is defined as any service person that meets the guidelines for membership to The American Legion or admittance to a Veterans’ Center or receives Veterans Benefits.
(**) A VETERAN is defined as any service person that is missing-in-action (MIA) or killed-in-action (KIA) who entered the service from Hancock County or a Hancock County resident who entered the service elsewhere.
Eligibility Requirements for Names Included
- Eligible veterans’ (MIAs and KIAs) names shall be engraved into the Hancock County War Memorial and the Hancock County Veterans Memorial
- Eligible veterans’ names shall be included on the Service Walls.
- Entered the service from Hancock County;
- Graduated from or spent more than half of his/her school years at Findlay City Schools or a Hancock County school;
- MIA or KIA(**)
The casualty occurred as a direct result of enemy hostilities in, or over, a designated combat zone during the following years:
- World War I – April 6, 1917 – Nov. 11, 1918
- (for veterans who served in Russia April 6, 1917 – April 1, 1920)
- World War II – Dec. 7, 1941 – Dec. 31, 1946
- Korea – June 27, 1950 – Jan. 31, 1955
- Vietnam – Aug. 5, 1964 – May 7, 1975
- (May be extended for in-country veterans who served before 1964)
- Gulf War – Aug. 2, 1990 – until a date set by law or Presidential Proclamation
- This list also includes those personnel listed by Department of Defense as Missing in Action or where death occurred while veteran was being held as a captive.
Places that might be helpful in obtaining documentation include:
- Hancock County Courthouse
- The national Archives in Washington D.C.
- Write to the National Personnel Records Center 9700 Page Ave. St. Louis, MO, 63132
- If veteran is deceased, the funeral home or office at place of burial
- Other family members
Any mistakes engraved on the Memorials are considered PERMANENT. This includes misspellings. Names will not be removed. Additional names can be added.