We recommend that you have your report of separation form secured in all of the following places:
- Your fireproof safe
- The Hancock County Veterans Service Office
- The Hancock County Recorder’s Office
- Your adult children whom you trust
- If you have your funeral pre planned we also suggest taking the funeral home a copy of your discharge documents.
A report of separation form is anyone of the following:
- DD Form 214 – issued for active duty service for those discharged after January 2, 1950
- WD AGO 53, WD AGO 55, WD AGO 53-55, NAVPERS 553, NAVMC 78 PD and NAVCG 553 – issued for active duty service for those discharged before January 1, 1950
- DD 256 – issued for reserve service
- NGB 22 – issued for national guard service
If you do not know where your discharge records are we can help you get them.
You can also request ACTIVE DUTY discharge records yourself if you prefer at https://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records.
Were you separated after the date below?
If you were discharged after the following dates our office can obtain your DD 214 normally within 24 hours AFTER you have completed the Consent to Release or Obtain Information Form that is located in our office. Our staff will only release the records to the veteran or to the next of kin if the veteran is deceased.
- Air Force – October 1, 2014
- Army – October 1, 2002
- Marine Corps – January 1, 1999
- Navy – January 1, 1995